Greatest thinkers: Greeks or Germans?

The Hannibal Blog has featured many thinkers — in the threads on Socrates and Great Thinkers among others.

Inevitably, Greeks and Germans have been somewhat disproportionately represented.

So it is time to revisit the most scientific and conclusive confrontation between Greeks and Germans to date.

Not new but timeless:

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16 thoughts on “Greatest thinkers: Greeks or Germans?

  1. That is one of the funniest pieces I have ever seen. Seriously. THANK YOU (especially today) for putting this up.

    Fitting that our Socrates scored the winning goal!
    The Nietzsche bit was hilarious. I’d like to send it to my mean professor who gave me a B+ on my final essay…all about Nietzsche’s metaphors. I loved this essay.

    He downgraded me, said he was waiting throughout the paper to learn WHY Nietzsche used the metaphors. DUH…

    Who will play in the semi-finals now? Jewish scientists, physicists, and doctors? vs?

    You are the best, A.

    • You may have caught, just at the end, the fact that the Germans had already beaten the English despite their winning midfield line-up of Bentham, Locke and Hobbes.

      If this was not therefore the final, we may have Scots (Smith, Hume…), Jewish physicists (although Einstein could credibly play on various teams) or…. my personal favorites: the Vedics (Buddhas and Yogis).

      The obvious problem with the Vedics is that they would all play defense, led by their stars Siddhartha and Patanjali. So I propose drafting two strikers from the Islamic team.

  2. I always had strange notions about philosophy. At 15, with a few friends in my old classical college we had, via the school’s paper, an argument with a few guys in the Philosophy classes, they were around19 or 20 years of age.
    They produced an article full of holes but looking good. We replied: question: what is philosophy? Answer: philosophy is the art of faulty but logical reasonning .
    At that point, the school put an end to our exchanges.
    Have you noticed that the game was won when Archimedes, a mathematician, got it going?

    • “…the art of faulty but logical reasonning…”

      I like that. And thank you for not applying that to journalism. 😉

      Archimedes is my guy: Kept the Romans at bay in Sicily while Hannibal was fighting in Italy. I knew he had a good pass in him.

    • Paul –

      Have you noticed that the game was won when Archimedes, a mathematician, got it going?

      Isn’t that because he saw the ball?

      – Richard.

  3. I fail to see how, or why, the culture one lives (or was raised) in matters all that much. Great thinkers can be found in any ethnic group. The recognition may be missed due to biases, however.

    • @Paul

      Douglas, some cultures and places value thinking more than others. That is where it matters.

      I repeat myself…
      “The recognition may be missed due to biases, however.”

      All cultures value thinking. I cannot imagine one that didn’t. The type of thinking may be different, the values and the wisdom inherent may be alien or foreign, but that is what contributes to bias. We tend to assign traits to various cultures and that assignation becomes a filter through which we view them.

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